
J. Hernández Cabrera, F. Hernández Tejera, A. Plácido Castro, M. Montesdeoca, AN IT PLATFORM FOR SME'S TO COLLABORATE AND SHARE RESOURCES, 2006, IADIS. Web Based Communities 2006. San Sebastián, España.

L. Antón Canalís, E. Sánchez Nielsen, HAND POSTURE DATASET CREATION FOR GESTURE RECOGNITION, 2006, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (Visapp-06). Setúbal, Portugal.

D. Greiner Sánchez, G. Winter Althaus, J. Escobar Sánchez, ENHANCING THE MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMUM DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL TRUSSES WITH EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS USING DENSEA, 2006, 44th AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, USA.

A. Pulido Alonso, N. Angulo, J. Romero, J. Quintana, L. Darias, Analysis of the power production of a wind farm with consumption associated for desaled water for agriculture, in Gran Canaria, 2006, International Conference on renevable Energies and Power Quality. ICREPQ 06. Mallorca, 5-7 abril 2006. ISBN: 84-609-6606-2

A. Pulido Alonso, N. Angulo, J. Romero, J. Quintana, M. Morán, A little plant of reverse osmosis fed by insolated electrical system, 2006, International Conference on renevable Energies and Power Quality. ICREPQ 06. Mallorca, 5-7 abril 2006. ISBN: 84-609-6606-2