
D. Greiner Sánchez, P. Hajela, INFLUENCE OF BUCKLING CONSTRAINTS ON RELIABILITY BASED MULTI- OBJECTIVE DESIGN OF TRUSS STRUCTURES, 2011, 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Civil-Comp-Press, (CSC 2011) Crete, Greece, September 2011.

D. Greiner Sánchez, J. Emperador Alzola, B. Galván González, G. Winter Althaus, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OPTIMUM DESIGN USING EVOLUTIONARY MULTIOBJECTIVE ALGORITHMS: TOOLS AND LESSONS LEARNED, 2011, Keynote Lecture at International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems (EUROGEN-2011), International Aerospace Italian Center (CIRA), Padua (Italy) September 2011.

C. González Muñoz, Prediction system base on domotic weather sensors for the energy production of solar power plants, 2011, ICREPQ´11 (International Conference on Renowable Energie and Power Quality Systems 2011),Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Internacional,

J. Zarzalejos, J. Aznárez González, L. Padrón Hernández, O. Maeso Fortuny, Influencia del tipo de onda y ángulo de incidencia en la respuesta sísmica de cimentaciones profundas y estructuras pilotadas, 2011, 4º Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Sísmica , Lugar celebración: Granada, España

O. Maeso Fortuny, J. Aznárez González, F. García del Pino, Título: Variabilidad de la respuesta sísmica de presas bóveda ante diferentes combinaciones de ondas p y s compatibles con un espectro de respuesta, 2011, Congreso: Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 2011, Coimbra, © APMTAC, Portugal, 2011, Lugar celebración: Coimbra, Portugal