
D. Salazar Aponte, B. Galván González, C. Rocco, UNCERTAINTY AND ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS, EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION AND MCDM, 2008, Proceedings of the 35rd ESREDA Seminar on "Uncertainty in Industrial Practice - Generic Best Practices in Uncertainty Treatment". 19-21 November, 2008. Marseille, France

D. Salazar Aponte, B. Galván González, C. Rocco, ROBUSTNESS ANALYSIS THROUGH AN INFORMATION-BASED PERSPECTIVE, 2008, 9čme congrčs de la Société Francaise de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide ŕ la Décision (ROADEF'08). Clermont-Ferrand, France, 25-27 February

E. Sánchez Nielsen, F. Chávez, MyLEGISLATIVE INFORMATION SERVICE: CLOSING THE GAP BETWEEN THE CITIZENS AND THE DEMOCRACY, 2008, Ponencia. IEEE Third International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2008) special Track eGov and eParticipation. Proceedings IEEE ICDIM 2008, pp. 788-793, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2917-2

O. Maeso Fortuny, D. Greiner Sánchez, J. Aznárez González, G. Winter Althaus, DESIGN OF NOISE BARRIERS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS, 2008, 9th International Conference on Boundary Element Techniques (BETEQ-2008). Publicación: Advances in Boundary Element Techniques IX.R. Abascal and M.H. Aliabadi (editores.), EC Ltd., United Kingdom (2008), ISBN: 978-0-9547783-5-4, pp. 101-106 Lugar celebración: Sevilla

M. Afonso, C. Guerra Artal, Y. Rodríguez, A. Villalba Casas, MLMS PROMETEO: MULTIMEDIA LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, 2008, CONGRESO: IASK Iternational Association for the scientific knowledge. (2008). ISBN: 978-989-95806-3-3 © IASK. Depósito legal: 285846/08 LUGAR DE CELEBRACIÓN: Madrid, 03-05 Diciembre