
R. Montenegro Armas, MR Number 2222885; review del trabajo: C. Dyken y M. Floater. Preferred directions for resolving the non-uniqueness of Delaunay triangulations. Computational Geometry Theory and Applications, 34, 96-, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society.

G. Winter Althaus, J. Abderramán Marrero, J. Jiménez, B. González Landín, E. Benítez, P. Cuesta Moreno, MESHLESS NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF (FULL) POTENTIAL FLOWS IN A NOZZLE BY GENETIC ALGORITHMS, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, v.43, pp.1167-1176. Wiley Sons

F. Hernández Tejera, C. Guerra Artal, J. Lorenzo Navarro, “Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Pattern Recognition and Image Analisys”,

R. Montenegro Armas, MR Number 2340392; review del trabajo: J. Sarrate y A. Coll. Minimización de la distorsión de mallas formadas por cuadriláteros o hexaedros. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y D, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society.

A. González Ramos, J. Coca, M. Mendez, J. González Pajuelo, J. Lorenzo Nespereira, Determination of age and growth of the striped seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) In the Canarian archipelago by otoliths readings and backcalculation. Scientia Marina. .Vol: 66 (1): 27-32. (A,