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L. González Sánchez, Canonical construction of polytope Barabanov norms and antinorms for sets of matrices , 2015, Review del artículo: Guglielmi, N., Zennaro, M. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 36 (2015), 634–655. Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet (2015).EDITORIAL: American Mathematical Society. MR3352607

L. González Sánchez, A. Santana, A generalization of a binomial sum for the Stirling numbers of the second kind , 2015, Ars Combinatoria, 118, pp. 305-313 (2015). EDITORIAL: The Charles Babbage Research Centre. ISSN: 0381-7032

L. González Sánchez, Restricted Isometry Property for General p-Norms , 2015, Review del artículo: Allen-Zhu, Z., Gelashvili, R., Razenshteyn, I. 31st International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG’15), pp. 451–460, LIPIcs., Eds: Arge, L. and Pach, J., Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform., 34. Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet (2016). EDITORIAL: American Mathematical Society. -

G. Winter Althaus, B. González Landín, A. Pulido Alonso, B. Galván González, M. Maarouf, Long term predictions of electricity demand: A challenge for computer engineering, 2015, DYNA Energía y Sostenibilidad, V. 90(6), pp 582-584, DOI: 10.6036/7834, ISSN: 0012/7361