
B. Galván González, M. Maarouf, Physical activity classification resilient backpropagation (RPROP) with multiple outputs, 2013, Eurocast 2013, Springer lecture notes in computer science, vol 8111, pp 77-83, ISBN 978-642-53855-1

L. González Sánchez, Intrinsic ordering, combinatorial numbers and reliability engineering, 2013, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, pp. 3944-3958 (2013) -

D. Greiner Sánchez, J. Periaux, J. Emperador Alzola, B. Galván González, G. Winter Althaus, A Hybrid Nash Genetic Algorithm for Reconstruction Inverse Problems in Structural Engineering., 2013, Report of Department of Mathematical Information Technology, Serie B. Scientific Computing, Nş B 5/2013. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

A. Talavera Ortiz, R. Aguasca Colomo, B. Galván González, A. Cacereńo Ibáńez, APPLICATION OF DEMPSTER-SHAFER THEORY FOR THE QUANTIFICATION AND PROPAGATION OF THE UNCERTAINTY CAUSED BY THE USE OF AIS DATA., 2013, Reliability Engineering and system safety. 111, pp. 95 - 105.

M. Moreno, B. González Landín, V. Enrique, F. Deníz, R. Aguasca Colomo, G. Winter Althaus, TESTING SOME ALPHA-MODELS OF TURBULENCE ON WING PROFILES. 198, pp. 243 - 247, 2013, Mechatronic Systems and Materials IV, 2013. ISSN 1662-9779