
B. Galván González, B. González Landín, L. Padrón Hernández, H. Carmona, G. Winter Althaus, Optimal placement of wastewater outfalls using an internet-based distributed computing environment a 3D finite volume model of the pollutant dispersion in offshore, 2005, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics. Multidisciplinary Applications

R. Montenegro Armas, REVIEW DEL TRABAJO: S. GROB Y A. REUSKEN. PARALLEL MULTILEVEL TETRAHEDRAL GRID REFINEMENT. SIAM J. SCI. COMPUT., 26, 1261-1288, SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATHICS, 2005, MR Number 2143484; Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society

R. Montenegro Armas, MR Number 2163550; review del trabajo:J. Dompierre,M-G Vallet,P. Labbé,F. Guibault.An analysis of simplex shape measures for anisotropic meshes. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.,194, 4895-4914, Else, 2005, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society.

R. Montenegro Armas, Review del trabajo: C. Gruau y T. Coupez. 3D tetrahedral, unstructured and anisotropic mesh generation with adaptation to natural and multidomain metric. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 194, 4951-, 2005, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society.

R. Montenegro Armas, Review del trabajo: Z.Zhang, J.Zhou, X.Wang, Y.Zhang y L.Zhang. h-adaptivity analysis based on multiple scale reproducing kernel particle method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 26, 1064-1071, 2005, Shanghai University. MR Number 2169262; Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society.