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L. Padrón Hernández, A. Suárez Sarmiento, J. Aznárez González, O. Maeso Fortuny, Kinematic internal forces in deep foundations with inclined piles, 2015, Earthquake Engineering & structural dynamics, vol 44(12), pp 2129-2135, ed. Wiley, DOI 10.1002/eqe.2559

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C. Medina López, L. Padrón Hernández, J. Aznárez González, A. Santana Naranjo, O. Maeso Fortuny, Kinematic interaction factors of deep foundations with inclined piles, 2015, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 43, 2035-2050, 2015.

C. Medina López, L. Padrón Hernández, J. Aznárez González, O. Maeso Fortuny, Influence of pile inclination angle on the dynamic properties and seismic response of piled structures, 2015, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 69, 196-206, 2015