
L. Schwan, C. Boutin, M. Dietz, L. Padrón Hernández, P. Yves Bard, S. Castellaro, E. Ibraim, O. Maeso Fortuny, J. Aznárez González, C. Taylor, Study of multi-building interaction and site-city effect through an idealized experimental model., 2013, SERIES Concluding Workshop, 28-30 may. Ispra, Italy.

L. Padrón Hernández, J. Aznárez González, H. Cifuentes, J. Medina Padrón, O. Maeso Fortuny, Simple damage zone numerical model for capturing the change in modal parameters of cracked concrete element., 2013, Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOPVP-2013), Lisbon, Portugal, AMPTAC, ISBN 978-989-96264-4-7, abstract p. 342, article 10 pages.

M. Díaz-Cabrera, J. Cabrera Gámez, R. Aguasca Colomo, Photogrammetric Analysis of images Acquired by an UAV., 2013, EUROCAST, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 10-15 Febrero.

D. Benítez Díaz, E. Rodríguez Barrera, J. Escobar Sánchez, R. Montenegro Armas, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF A PARALLEL ALGORITHM FOR SIMULTANEOUS UNTANGLING AND SMOOTHING OF TETRAHEDRAL MESHES., 2013, Proceedings of the 22nd International Meshing Roundtable, Pág. 579-598, publicado por Springer-Verlag. Publicado también en formato electrónico. Orlando, Florida, 13-16 de octubre

A. Oliver, E. Rodríguez Barrera, J. Escobar Sánchez, G. Montero García, M. Hortal, J. Calvo, R. Montenegro Armas, WIND FORECASTING OVER COMPLEX TERRAIN. T, 2013, Mathematics and Geosciences: Global and Local Perspectives. Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid, España, 4-8 de noviembre