
D. Greiner Sánchez, J. Aznárez González, O. Maeso Fortuny, G. Winter Althaus, SINGLE- AND MULTI OBJECTIVE SHAPE DESIGN OF Y-NOISE BARRIERS USING EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION AND BOUNDARY ELEMENTS, 2010, Referencia revista / libro: Advances in Engineering Software (ISSN: 0965-9978) Clave: A Volumen: 41 Páginas, inicial: 368 final: 378

J. Méndez Rodríguez, A. Falcón Martel, J. Hernández Sosa, Simulation of Storage Systems for increasing the Power Quality of Renewable Energy Sources, 2010, REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: Procc. International Conference On Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ’10, paper num. 252 (http://www.icrepq.com/papers2-icrepq10.html), 2010 -

J. Medina, R. Prosmiti, P. Villarreal, G. Delgado, J. Alemán, B. González Landín, G. Winter Althaus, FILTERED STRESS AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS OF LIQUID WATER MODELS, 2010,

D. Benítez Díaz, J. Moure, D. Rexachs, E. Luque, A RECONFIGURABLE CACHE MEMORY WITH HETEROGENEOUS BANKS, 2010, Proceedings of the Design, Automation & Test in Europe 2010 Conference and Exhibition (DATE10); pp. 825-830 EDITORIAL: EDAA., 2010.

C. González Muñoz, D. Benítez Díaz, L. Carrasco Medina, J. Medina Padrón, EXPERIENCIAS DE AUTOMATIZACIÓN POR DOMÓTICA ORIENTADA A LA OBTENCIÓN DE EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA EN UN HOTEL RURAL, 2010, Libro de Actas del KNX AWARDS SPAIN, KNX International Forum, pp.68- 77; Auditorio Telefónica, Madrid, 27 y 28 de Abril de 2010. ISBN: pendiente de asignar.