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J. Banas, J. Caballero, J. Rocha Martín, K. Sadarangani, MONOTONIC SOLUTIONS OF A CLASS OF QUADRATIC INTEGRAL EQUATION OF VOLTERRA TYPE, 2005, Computer & Mathematics with applications. Vol. 49, pp. 943-952

MR Number 2222885; review del trabajo: C. Dyken y M. Floater. Preferred directions for resolving the non-uniqueness of Delaunay triangulations. Computational Geometry Theory and Applications, 34, 96-1, 2005, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society

R. Montenegro Armas, G. Montero García, J. Escobar Sánchez, E. Rodríguez Barrera, J. González Yuste, WIND FIELD SIMULATION USING ADAPTIVE TETRAHEDRAL MESHES, 2005, Innovation in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing. Páginas, inicial: 159 final: 185 Editorial: Saxe-Coburg Publications Lugar de publicación: Stirling, Scotland

M. Castrillón Santana, Ó. Déniz Suárez, C. Guerra Artal, J. Isern González, ELDI: CUE COMBINATION FOR ROBUST REAL-TIME MULTIPLE FACE DETECTION AT DIFFERENT RESOLUTIONS, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computer Aided Systems, Vol.3643, pp.398-403