
R. Montenegro Armas, MR Number 2195887; review del trabajo: S. Li. Adaptive mesh refinement and its application to magneto- hydrodynamics. Contemporary Mathematics, 383, 269-283, 2005, Mathematical Reviews, base de datos MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society

M. Castrillón Santana, J. Lorenzo Navarro, J. Hernández Sosa, Y. Rodríguez, AN ANALYSIS OF FACIAL DESCRIPTION IN STATIC IMAGES AND VIDEO STREAMS, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Second Iberian Conference, Vol. 3522

M. Castrillón Santana, Ó. Déniz Suárez, C. Guerra Artal, J. Isern González, CUE COMBINATION FOR ROBUST REAL-TIME MULTIPLE FACE DETECTION AT DIFFERENT RESOLUTIONS, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.3643, pp.398-403. Heidelberg

D. Benítez Díaz, J. Moure, D. Rexachs, E. Luque, PERFORMANCE AND POWER EVALUATION OF AN INTELLIGENTLY ADAPTIVE DATA CACHE, 2005, Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2005); Lecture Notes in Computer Science CLAVE: CL Volumen: 3769, pp. 363-375, 2005 EDITORIAL: Springer-Verlag Lugar de Publicación: Berlín

M. Castrillón Santana, Q. Vuong, COMBINING HUMAN PERCEPTION AND GEOMETRIC RESTRICTIONS FOR AUTOMATIC PEDESTRIAN DETECTION, 2005, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.4177, pp.163-170.